
Welcome to Team Rajeev


A student of Applied mathematics and Programmer by Profession ; Served various organisations of repute as MIS Expert, Computer Programmer and faculty Computer Technology and allied subjects. Works include publications in Journals, Conferences, Seminars,Symposium and Technical Sessions; Authored Books and Chapters; Experience include successful track record of challanging implementation of functional Software Technology based information systems, Large and Typical complex scientific application. Active member of Computer Society of India

Early Life

Rajeev earned his Bachelor of Science (1984) and Master of Science (1987) degrees in Applied Mathematics from Bhopal University, where he was a student of Dr. R. D. Agrawal, and received his Ph.D. in 1999. His thesis in Special Functions.

Work and Academic Career


Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Bhopal University, Bhopal, MP India

Master of Science in Applied Mathematics 1987, "Programming Projects With BASIC ForTran and COBOL"- Bhopal University, Bhopal, MP India

Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics Dissertation: Special Functions (supervised by Dr. R. D. Agrawal )

M. A. Public Administration - .

Full Time Appointments

  • Dec 2022 - Madhya Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation (MPSIDC, MP IDC / MPTRIFAC / MPRDC / ADB)
  • April 1993 - MACT Bhopal
  • Sep 1989 - NCHSE Bhopal